**Just a reminder before we get started here, especially because I have tons of links in this one: I take the time to set up my hotlinks so that when you click them, they open in a different window. You will not be carried away from here; don’t worry! You’re not getting outta here that easy! I was just tagged by Weaselmomma to do this pretty cool (and different) meme. Although I have a love/hate relationship with memes, I really don’t mind being tagged for them and actually have a little bit of fun doing them (if I haven’t done them before), so I can say that the World of…
Now The Search Will Lead To Me Two Times
I think that if you’re going to post about anything at all, you should definitely post about something that makes you laugh so hard you can’t breathe. Are you with me? (I’ll answer my own question–because Julesie loves when I do that*: “Sure!”) Every now and then I check my sitemeter** to see how some of my non-regular readers are referred here. The search terms that bring people here are, more often than not, nothing that would make me do a spit-take. Until last week. I pulled up the “referrals” screen and there it was: “Angie Goff nice butt” I laughed all the way to my “Compose E-mail” screen, and…
Totally Thankful For These Shout-outs!
I have to thank the lovely Andie down there in Naw’lins at Sweet.Southern.Spirited for awarding me with this beauty: Isn’t it pretty? Here’s what I have to do. (I guess if I don’t do the following things, the grim reaper of blogging awards might come and take it away or something! Plus, I’m mostly a rule-follower so here we go…) List 6 things that make you happy Pass the award on to 6 bloggers for Kreativ.Link to the blogger who gave you the award.Link to the blogs receiving the award.Notify the recipients. Six things that make me happy:1. My family2. Free time3. When I get the go-ahead on an article…
It Was Less of An Extreme Makeover & More Like Botox, But Still Feels Like a New Blog!
And unlike a Botox-injecting celebrity, I *do* want you to notice! How’s it look? For the last few months, I have been absolutely dying to renovate this blog (mainly the background, because the shade of blue I had on here was driving me crazy), especially since I’ve seen some great makeovers on some of your blogs, like this one, this one, and this one. The problem? I had to work with my header, which I definitely wanted to keep because I think it’s absolutely perfect. And then it became a perfect problem when figuring out the rest…but I made it through. I have been laboring away at this new look…
Yet Another Feather In My Cap
I want to shout out a big “Hello, how ya doin?” to my visitors from In A Martucci Minute! If you’re looking for the meat-touching post, it’s the next one down…or you can just click here. For my own regular readers, I have to tell you the story of what happened yesterday (you can read Kim’s version by clicking that first link up there!). I had just come home from yelling at that angry, meat-touching woman and was sitting at the computer, starting to blog about it, when I heard from Kim: “I am toying around with the idea of wearing LEG WARMERS on tv tomorrow (!) Melissa (She has…
The Blogging Olympics Are Coming To Chicago!
Sure, sure, Chicago is anxiously waiting to find out if we will host the 2016 Olympic Games. I really hope that we get it. We were able to handle one night of complexities that was attended by a couple hundred thousand and watched the world over; why not the Olympics? We’ve got almost a year before we will find out if Chicago beat out the competition (Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, and Madrid), but there is another distraction of Olympic proportions taking place in my city that I can definitely count on: BlogHer 2009! What the heck is it? Here’s the 4-1-1, directly from the BlogHer site: Building on the momentum…
Ms. Maggie Moo and a Bowl of Stew
I have a couple of food-related things to share with you today; the first one is way exciting. Or it could be. No, strike that. It IS way exciting. My girl Mags over at Ms Maggie Moo Talks 2 U is having a contest and I need you to help me win by entering to win yourself! (Still with me?) The prize? Some of her amazing home-baked goodies, shipped directly to your door! (or hopefully, MY door.) It’s easier for Mags to explain, so I’m copying her details here: “The rules are simple:1. Leave a comment (on MAGS’ blog post) telling me (her) you would like to be submitted. 2.…
Have Your People E-mail My People; We’ll Do Lunch!
“Turning on a dime” is not something I’m normally known for. I like my routine, and although I can indeed change course if something comes up, I don’t usually enjoy making a change; I usually avoid it if at all possible. Unless it’s an emergency or something that just sounds like an opportunity I can’t pass up. Like today. I had planned to spend the day catching up with housework and other boring (but comforting and satisfying!) activities around here since I didn’t lift a finger yesterday. I taught class this morning (and for those of you who read my tweets last night, I totally did not even have a…
Who Are You Callin’ Weird???
I was tagged/awarded over the weekend by the ever-so-lovely Jennifer at It’s All About Them. I’m not sure if I should be honored by the tag or insulted because I have been given a Weird Award, but under the rules of my New and Improved, Almost-40-Years-Old Attitude, I am going to smile and say, “Thank you Jennifer, Thank you very much! You’re so sweet!” And it is a really pretty color purple, too. Okay, it’s adorable. Basically what I have to do now is list (Surprised? Is there a meme that doesn’t involve some sort of list??) seven Weird Things about myself and then tag/award seven others. So, without further…
My Monday Will Definitely Be Better Than My Saturday, So It’s All Good.
Thanks so much to all of you who commented over the weekend. I appreciate your support! I am hoping that the dealership will take my 2 1/2 year old car and suddenly find the exact thing wrong with it; otherwise I’m doomed to have it all repeat like “Groundhog Day”, and frankly I don’t think I have any tears left. I will be calling the dealership after I finish this post, to secure my rental car which I will pick up this afternoon. On the bright side, I have a Tina Turner concert to attend tonight with Julesie, providing her airplane from Key West arrives on time. As usual, she’s…