Save your money.Have some liquid iced tea.
Pretty Is As Pretty Does: UPDATE
We had a lively comment conversation a couple of days ago…I wanted to throw some more stuff into the mix. Saw this on the Today Show this morning…(the “belly shirt” is even addressed!)
Pretty Is As Pretty Does
So there’s a new book coming out in the next couple of weeks. I’m not going to mention its name because I don’t really want the millions of people who see it on the news searching for it and ending up here, but I will put the photo of the cover here so you can see what I’m talking about. A doctor wrote this book to explain to children the changes that their mother was making during cosmetic surgery. The following passage, according to this article, is actually part of the book: The girl asks: “Why are you going to look different?”Mom responds: “Not just different, my dear — prettier!”…
Are We Running Out of Creative Genius?
I posted this recently on Cre8buzz’s Anthill, a forum within the Cre8buzz community on which multiple bloggers post what’s on their minds. I really liked the way it turned out, so I’m reposting it here for my peeps! First, a warning: this post is not for the faint-of heart. I have a major issue that’s been growing inside my brain for a while now. I think it all started when I began to notice snippets of classic songs from the ’80s being sampled all over the songs on today’s charts. I was able to contain my annoyance when the distinctive beat from Soft Cell’s “Tainted Love” showed up as the…
Put On Your Thinking Tiaras…Here’s Another Quiz!
Tell me, dear bloggie friends, what ALL of these things have in common: (and be specific: THERE’S A TWIST.) Kenny Rogers Mr. Mister Tina Turner Billboards The Today Show Ragtime Rent Chicago Grease Fosse Annie Get Your Gun The Lion King Sweet Smell of Success Blast The Producers The Book of Liz Wicked The Santaland Diaries Pink Lenny Kravitz Sweet Charity David Sedaris Jerry Seinfeld Blue Man Group Prince Madonna Harlem Globetrotters Avenue Q Jim Gaffigan George Michael Any guesses?
Is There A Method to My M&M Madness?
I was at a meeting at the temple last night and somebody brought a big ole’ bag of M&Ms. I poured some onto a little plate and was halfway through with them when I realized that I was eating them one color at a time. (Red last) That got me thinking about my M&M eating habits and I thought I’d throw some questions out there; I bet some of you out there have some secret quirks regarding M&Ms that you wouldn’t mind sharing! 1. Do you eat your M&Ms one at a time, a couple at a time, or by the handful? 2. Do you eat them according to a…
On The Rocks
I would totally drink more water if I had a refrigerator that dispensed crushed ice. Why does water taste better (to me) with crushed ice than with cubes????
Can Someone Please Answer This For Me???!!!
WHO is the person I would complain to about the inconvenient scheduling of Super Tuesday? I have a million things going on for the Bar Mitzvah and did NOT want to add “Voting” to my list*! *But I did. Did you?
Another Example of Me Being Stuck in the ’80’s
I’m a modern girl. I like to think that although I don’t participate in all of the “now” activities out there (for example, getting a tattoo, trying to be my kids’ best friend, or getting botox), I do keep up with things that are going on around me. I am active, I listen to today’s popular music (and enjoy it), I parent my kids fairly and with respect, I read about celebrities, I have found the joys of BLOGGING, etc…. So, knowing all that, would someone PLEASE tell me why, in conversation, I keep referring to my iPod as a Walkman????? (ARGHHHH!) Although I did not take this photo, this…
The Dog Proves Once Again That No Matter How Much She Wants To Be a Human, She Will Never Be One
Fulfilling the commitment I made to myself to “move daily”, I just got back from a 40 minute walk with Roxie. It was one of the most annoying walks I’ve had in a long time. Not only was she “reverse sneezy”, but it was practically endless today. Unlike “most” beagles, she does not stand still while she does this during a walk: she just keeps going. I make her sit for a couple of seconds and she stops, but as soon as we resume walking she begins again and I’m looking over my shoulder wondering how many people are outside thinking I’m a terrible pet owner for walking a dog…