My sister Julesie is a first-class photographer. Though her ability shines through with any format and any subject, my favorite pictures are the ones she’s taken of children (and not just mine!). I think it’s safe to say that my kids and the kids of her friends (to whom she is an honorary aunt!) are some of her favorite subjects. Years ago, there was a period during which she did children’s portraits as an actual business. One day, she had to drop off some proofs at the home of someone I knew through the health club (I worked in the nursery at the time), and the boys (who were about…
Rockin’? Not So Much. Drooling? For Sure.
I can’t come to my blog right now because I’m in the dentist’s chair. Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can! P.S. Read all about it in my guest post today at Rock and Drool!
More Like A Drive-By Than a Drive-Thru
My first real job outside of babysitting was working for McDonald’s. I adored that job. I’ve written about it before, briefly, and instead of having you read that entire post (because I listed all the jobs I’ve ever had, with a paragraph on each!) I’ll just excerpt it here: “I, along with a bunch of my friends, “opened” the brand-new McD’s right outside the grounds of our high school. I was the one in the drive thru, yelling at everyone to hurry up because we had to get these cars through in 30 seconds. We had a great time working together. We did things like cook up a whole basket…
They Weren’t Fit; They Were Just Drawn That Way.
As if we didn’t have enough to worry about these days, what with everything going on in the world and how busy we are all the time and all of the convenience foods that we devour because we don’t have time to cook healthy meals regularly, now we also have to worry about how technology is making it harder for us to fit into our clothing. It seems like a no-brainer, you know? Just as the best way to lose weight is to get moving, the best way to gain weight is to…stop moving. And that’s what so many of us have done: we’ve just stopped moving. Because of Twitter,…
It Was Either Laugh or Cry…
I once wrote a post called “Hurling Was Never So Hilarious”, but I forgot about this other time which came to my mind over the weekend when we were in Tennessee when we were at Kate, Scott, and Bean’s house. Sidenote: I can’t believe how quickly it seems that kids grow. It seems like only yesterday that Bean looked like this, and now she looks like this: So grown up. (Well, sort of. For a kid. You know what I mean.) Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, hilarious hurling. Let me set it up for you. Summer 2006. I had accompanied Kate, Scott, and Bean on a trip to Europe.…
Rant Break
Just indulge me for a minute today, would you? Thanks much. Without going into many specifics, “we” have had some big-time issues with middle school teachers over the past few years. The younger boy is finally getting outta there this Friday, so I feel totally fine with blogging about this particular issue. He has this Language Arts teacher, who is I’m sure a very lovely woman at home. We started noticing, earlier in the year, that he was getting F’s on “classwork” that was worth 5 points. It was not uncommon for him to get 2’s or 3’s on this. I asked him what was up with that and he…
If You Can’t Say Something Nice…
Note: This post is part of Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs, where all the cool kids are hanging out. (Moms are welcome over there!) Welcome to my visitors from DB; thanks for stopping in! Our family has spent the last six weeks in the thick of lacrosse season. It’s been very, very busy, but glorious. I love lacrosse. I absolutely adore going to the games (sorry, Weaselmomma), each and every one. I have even gotten a sub to teach two of my beloved Wednesday spin classes so I can get to a game. I like to scream from the sidelines, and I root for everyone on our team. Everyone. Of…
Just Because You Know It’s Part of Life, It’s Still Not Easy.
You may recall that the sixteen-year-old plays Lacrosse. You may also recall that Lacrosse is the first sport he’s ever played. Ever. What else might you recall, if you just want a summary? Well, let’s see. Last year was his first season (March-May) of playing for his school, in his first sport ever. Last year, in trying out for his first sport ever, he made the JV team. (Rah rah rah!!!) Last year, he was told at the beginning of the season that he would indeed play his desired position (Midfield), but also be trained as a backup goalie. Last year, at the first game of the season, which also…
Six Should Have Been Enough.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard of the California woman who recently gave birth to octuplets. At first, the news was something amazing (I guess medically, it’s still amazing), but then the story turned into an ethical debate. Things you might not know that have come out about this mother? 1. She is single.2. She is in her early 30s.3. She already had six children, between the ages of 2 and 7. 4. She allegedly filed for bankruptcy two years ago.5. She lives with her mother.6. According to her mother, she has been “obsessed” with having children since she was a teenager.7. All fourteen children were conceived…
Eight Crazy Posts! (#8) (Finally!) (Whew!)
In this, the last of eight crazy posts, I have a few reflections on and memories of Hanukkah 2008 that I’d like to share. Last Sunday: First night of Hanukkah. Awesome night; had to dust off the cellphone rules (and adjust them a bit) because the thirteen-year-old was getting a cellphone for Hanukkah! If you did not read my first post in March about cellphone rules for your kid, it’s a must-read. Click here! It was quite exciting and I took video, but because we used the actual video camera (instead of the “video feature” on my regular digital camera), it can only be burned to DVD and not uploaded…