Just a couple of loose ends from yesterday… Click here to read about it via the news. What a relief it was to come home from work (an hour early) yesterday so I could see (and hug) my son before I had to head off again, for my Wednesday night spin class. Great feeling? When I walked into the family room from the garage and heard his size 12 feet running down the stairs from his bedroom to hug me. Great feeling? When I found out that two of his really good friends from the Boy Scout Troop, each of whom goes to a different high school in the other…
When I Was In High School, I Didn’t Even Know What A Lockdown Was.
It’s been quite the stressful day. The high school that the 16-year-old attends was on lockdown from first period (about 7:25 a.m.-ish) until about 12:45 p.m. Apparently a student saw another student in a bathroom, doing what looked like loading a gun, so he did the right thing and reported it, causing the lockdown, subsequent flooding of the area by police, and the drama that has gone on for most of the high school day. First, thank GOD for cell phones. We stayed in touch with our son the whole time. He was in his English class (a room with no outside windows) for the duration, with the lights off.…
From Now On, I’ll Need Everyone To Keep Everything Crossed.
As of yesterday afternoon, I officially drove my car out of the warranty period. If you know anything about the recent history of my car (like this, or this), the amount of times it’s had campouts at the dealership, or even the fact that I now refer to the service technician in charge of my case as “my best friend Mark”, you will know what a terrible milestone this is. Let us pray.
Hurling Was Never So Hilarious.
Did you see “Jam the Vote” on Weekend Update last night? (Fast Forward to 5:23 and then watch it til 2:56. One more thing: GROSSOUT WARNING!!!!) Well, it’s a good thing I did, because otherwise I wouldn’t have laughed when Roxie just missed vomiting in my face today. I was putting away the laundry in my bedroom, and she was seated in her normal place amongst my pillows: I walked over and sprawled out on my stomach on the bed, blowing in her face through the pillows, and she was making that cute little protest noise that she does when we tease her. I brought my face closer and closer,…
Going Nowhere, Fast.
I shouldn’t even be posting now, because I am not in the best mood. However, the family is out on a Boy Scout hike, my sister is in Key West enjoying a drink called “The Dirty Hoe”, and my local friends are otherwise unavailable. Heck, even my Facebook friends are away from the computer. So I will now speak to the blog and hope I will feel a sense of calm when I’m done. Those of you who keep up with me in real life or even on Twitter know that I have had some car trouble in the past month. My car (model pictured above; not my actual car)…
Anatomy of a Fight
The Scene: Skokie Northshore Sculpture ParkThe Date: June 17, 2005The Occasion: A picnic and photo sessionThe People: Melisa, Julesie, and the two boys (Older boy being days away from 13; younger boy being 10) This park is chock-full of interesting sculptures in all shapes, sizes, and materials. We thought it would be fun to make the drive up to see it and enjoy a picnic. And it was. Two specific memories from that day stand out in my mind; one is the inaugural use of the phrase “Gotta pee pee at the BP“, coined by Julesie. (EDITED: I stand corrected: it was “I gotta TEE TEE at the BP.” I’m…
I Heart My City, in Sickness and in Health.
In the wake of Hurricane Ike, our area received a spectacular amount of rain, all the way up here in the midwest. Chicagoland got anywhere between 6-10 inches of rain, all in two days. Not like being in the eye of the storm, but for us it was really something; rivers in the area crested at record levels. Yesterday, the rain finally slowed to almost a complete stop by 3 p.m. and our family decided to head to the heart of our suburb (EDITED: Let me reiterate, we live in the Suburbs of Chicago; I’m not talking about the actual City of Chicago in this post…), the downtown area, to…
This Afternoon’s Tears Are For A Different Reason.
I’m not going to do too much of a lead-in on this one because I think it speaks for itself. This is a “Live Chat” between me and Jesse from Home Depot’s website. At first I was picturing Jesse to look exactly like John Stamos, but I am confident that you will notice the exact point where that mental image slowly faded away into something way less attractive. Enjoy! Jesse: Welcome to Home Depot. I am a Major Appliance Product Specialist. How may I assist you today? Melisa: Hi there. I just sent an appliance repair person away because she told me it is going to cost $300 to repair…
It’s All About The Pits
Speaking of armpits, I have been thoroughly annoyed and cheesed out by the new commercial for Secret deodorant. You know the one, where the young woman giggles and puts her hands in the air to show how her deodorant is working. She walks along in the city, stops in front of the police car, raises her hands, and yells, “I’m innocent! Hee hee hee hee!” So annoying. (But it’s a memorable commercial, and I do indeed know WHAT the advertised product is…so maybe it’s a good ad afterall?) I’m so annoyed by it that I’ve been keeping an eye out for it on Youtube so I could post it, but…
And I Don’t Even Work In An Office.
I have just spent the last hour on the phone with Epson tech support regarding our brand-new printer at the salon. Actually, this brand-new printer replaced our brand-new printer that we bought in May; it suddenly broke down and we got this one with the warranty. Anyway, I would rather poke my eye out with a stick than talk to tech support. Long story short…they referred me to Apple, saying it’s THEIR problem and as soon as Apple tells me how to fix this error message I’m getting, the printer will work fine. This is how I am currently feeling: (EDIT: OOPS! I forgot to add when I first posted…