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    Scrolling Saturdays: Crazed

    *Note: Feel free to grab this little “Scrolling Saturdays” .jpg that I made! CrazedOriginally Posted: November 2, 2006 That’s how many of my family and friends would describe me (only in the most loving way, of course!). I am constantly on the run; even when I was a 100% of the time stay-at-home mom, I never stayed at home. Not because I didn’t want to be at home, of course, but things had to get done somehow! When the boys were younger, I knew it was the right thing to do, to ask them if they wanted to try a sport like soccer or baseball. (Although my younger sister played…

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    Here’s a Recipe You Should Try This Weekend

    I have no clue if this has made the e-mail rounds or not, but I got this today from my friend Angelica and I thought it was so funny that I’d make it my THIRD post of the day! Here goes: Just wanted to share my favorite holiday recipe with you. Jose Cuervo Cookies-Snowwoman 1 cup water 1 tsp baking soda 1 cup sugar 1 tsp salt 1 cup brown sugar 4 large eggs 1 cup nuts 2 cups dried fruit 1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila Sample the Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour…

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    Me in Pictures

    Here’s a fun meme. I found it first at Katie’s blog, then Kat’s, then Patty’s, all today! All you have to do is type your answer to each question in a google image search and choose a picture from the first page. These pictures are sort of small…I didn’t type my answers so that you might be challenged on a few of them. If you can’t figure something out, just ask me what the heck I’m talking about! 1. Age at next birthday: 2. Place of birth: 3. Places I want to visit: 4. Nickname: 5. Favorite Place: 6. My favorite things: 7. My favorite food: 8. My favorite color:…

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    Fall Festival…It Came, It Saw, It Kicked My Butt

    The salon has two very special, very huge events every year: our Cinco de Mayo Fiesta (which we’ve done every May 5 for four years) and our Fall Festival (which we did yesterday for the 2nd time). These events are huge: did I mention that? On Cinco de Mayo, we have all nail technicians working: they are doing services (mainly Margarita Pedicures) all day long. The Fall Festival is more of an Open House to spotlight our new holiday retail, and we have a couple of vendors come, too. This year, we had a Jane Iredale cosmetics rep, a dermatologist, a Taste of Home Entertaining rep, a jewelry designer, and…

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    How Many Blogs Should One Person Have????

    I decided, at my sister Julie’s suggestion a while back, to begin a second blog after I got rolling with Remembering Ruby. Because the nature of that blog is to promote my book, it is not reasonable to post random thoughts or things I find or cute stories or pictures of my current dog on that website. Julie suggested that I start a second blog that would act as a sort of umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh…) for “all my stuff”. I have tried to come up with a clever name for this blog for a couple of months now. I didn’t want a name that would emphasize one…