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    Under Pressure

    And now, a vent. My apologies. It had to come out of me at some point. I haven’t spent much time online this week. I’m out of touch with Twitter, I’m unaware of my friends’ status updates on Facebook, and my Google Reader’s waistline is expanding by what seems like fifty unread posts every few hours. In real life? I’m not keeping up very well either. I have a tremendous amount of activity going on over the next two weeks, and earlier today a migraine sidelined me until, well, about two hours ago when I made myself get up from my self-imposed two-hour bed rest, in order to push through…

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    Do What I Say, Not What I Do.

    We have this little “joke” in our house. Whenever there is a car parked in the driveway*–which is often these days, what with the older boy having his own car and all–anyone who leaves the house to get in a car and drive away gets the warning, “Don’t hit so-and-so’s car! haha!” It doesn’t matter if Jim or I parked outside of the garage for some odd reason, or if Julesie is visiting, or if it’s just the aforementioned older boy’s car, parked in its normal space at the lower left end of the driveway, the warning is the same: Don’t hit it! HAHA! You can imagine my surprise when,…

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    Before I begin, might I remind you that I’ve still got my $500 Visa Card giveaway going on? CLICK HERE. Do it. Unless you have oodles of cash lying around and do not NEED an extra $500, then absolutely don’t click there. Might as well leave it for someone else to win… At the end of January, I wrote about what was probably the most challenging time I’ve ever had in the workplace. The situation was beyond-stressful for me–I went home and cried on a daily basis–but I put on my rose-colored glasses (and my big girl pants), kept looking for silver linings, and did my best with what I…

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    Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

    Saying goodbye to Kate and her family was super tough, especially since Bean started saying goodbye to me on Monday evening. (I had arrived at their house on Saturday and wasn’t due to leave there until Wednesday evening!) Bean summoned me to her room–though her mom–so I could say goodnight to her up there. I walked into her mostly dark room and knelt down next to her bed. She said, “Melisa, I have something to tell you. I wanted my mom to tell you, but I am going to tell you myself, okay?” Wow, that sounded important. I said, “Sure! Go ahead; I’m listening.” She pulled the sheet up over…

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    I Need An Introduction!

    I have been getting a vicious urge to spring clean on my blog. I enjoy the little badges and widgets and such, but after a while I look at it like it’s too cluttered. I’ve been trying to figure out how to clean it up a bit (like moving a couple of the buttons to my blogroll page and making text-based lists instead), and I suddenly realized that I don’t have a Blog Bio–and haven’t, for a looooong time–anymore. If I were surfing the web and somehow found Suburban Scrawl, I’d have to dig into the posts immediately in order to get a sense of who Melisa with one S…

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    Let’s Make It Official, Shall We?

    I have arrived in Tennessee, where it is 28 degrees and snowing. Good thing I left the bikini at home. While I’m settling into my new routine of sitting here on my mom’s bed, watching movies, and getting her whatever she needs whenever she needs it, I’m working up some great content for the next couple of days. In the meantime, I thought it would be a great time to tell you that I now have a fan page for this blog on Facebook, and tell you that if you’re so inclined, I’d be honored (if you’re on Facebook, that is) if you would become a fan. Click here to…

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    Another November In The Can!

    Yay! I did it. Don’t worry; I’m not taking a break from blogging now that NaBloPoMoFo is over for 2009. (The thought of any of my readers actually being worried that I would be vacationing from blogging cracks me up a little bit, admittedly!) Hot and fresh post coming right up tomorrow morning! Today? Day off. Have a good one!

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    Would That Be By Telegram, or Pony Express?

    I love my Redbook magazine subscription. The magazine is informative, fun to read, and extremely interesting. Every now and then, I find something blogworthy, like this, or this. I got the new issue in the mail last week, and just had a chance to read it yesterday when I restricted myself to the couch because of this nasty chest cold I’m dealing with. Once again, the magazine didn’t disappoint. The issue was great from cover to cover, but one particular article stood out. The article, “The secrets behind great marriages” (by Nicole Torio) caught my eye because I do indeed have a great marriage and I’m always interested in reading…

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    Grand Theft Teddy

    Note: This post is part of Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs, where all the cool kids are hanging out. (Moms are welcome over there!) I *might* even have a column called “Teen Angst” there. Welcome to my visitors from DB; thanks for stopping in! After going nearly insane searching for it, I FINALLY found the photo that goes with yesterday’s post–you know, the one that I took before I committed Grand Theft Teddy. Here it is! (Curious? Great story…click here.)

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    Taking Target Marketing To A Whole New Disgusting Level

    Marketing is part of what I do at the salon where I work. Though I don’t have a college degree in the subject, I consider myself to be a little bit savvy about finding our target audience (middle-aged, well-off women) and gearing our advertising to them. The entire idea behind good marketing is to make your service or product irresistable to a certain group of people, right? Think about the commercials that are placed in the middle of children’s programming: how many times have your kids declared, “I want that!”, just because a 30-second spot about some junky toy that will eventually end up under the bed or at the…