Though I knew it was coming, I feel a little like I’ve been punched in the stomach tonight. I just found out that Patrick Swayze lost his battle with cancer at the age of 57. I suppose everyone has their own special memories of any actor they are fond of (and I mean “fond of” not in a stalker-ish way but in an admiring-from-afar kind of way). In my mind, though he played many awesome characters in many different kinds of projects, to me he will always be Orry Main and Johnny Castle. I took a breath after hearing the news of his death and then my thoughts went immediately…
Participate In A Swap Meet, Without Actually Meeting
Though I don’t make much time to read anymore (shame on me!), I think I might have to change that up a bit. Part of the reason I got out of the habit is our book availability situation. We don’t (and haven’t for the last 14 years we’ve lived here) have access to our town’s library, because we live in an unincorporated area. (well, we can get INTO the library and use the facility, but we cannot borrow books) There is an option for families like ours: pony up some extra cash to “buy” a library card. No dice. It has always been cheaper for us to have the kids…
Are You Smarter Than A College Admissions Department?
As you know, we’re knee-deep in the college search over here. We’ve had some great experiences so far, and some not-so-great ones. Recently, the older boy and I got him all signed up with a couple of the websites that are sort of like “scholarship clearinghouses”. That’s probably not a good name for them; I made that up. What happens is, you sign up and create a very detailed profile, and these websites will do the scholarship searching FOR YOU, which is more awesome than you can even imagine if you’re sitting there watching Nickelodeon with your younger kids at this moment. Back in the olden days, we had to…
Calling All Mamas!
One of my most popular posts is being featured on Mamapedia today! Mamapedia is a website where Moms (What about Dads??? “Dadapedia”? Hmm. I’ll get back to you.) can post questions on anything having to do with raising children–ANYTHING–and other moms can answer those questions. They feature bloggers in their section called “Mamapedia Voices”. Click here to read my post; I’m looking forward to contributing some brand, spankin’ new stuff to them very soon!
I *LOVE* These Kinds of Issues
I have a new television show to be obsessed with. I’ve been anticipating its premiere for a while now, and it finally happened on Wednesday. It’s called “Michael & Michael Have Issues”, starring Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter. I’ve been a fan of the two since the days of “The State” on MTV (a post about that is coming up this week!). I started watching “The State” because I went to high school with one of the guys in the comedy troupe; he was two years behind me but made a huge splash onstage with my friends in the drama department; I was thrilled for his success right out…
A Rare Stroke of Genius
Note: This post is part of Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs, where all the cool kids are hanging out. (Moms are welcome over there!) I *might* even have a column called “Teen Angst” there. Welcome to my visitors from DB; thanks for stopping in! I have *finally* figured it out. My kids, like so many other teenagers (and frankly, some adults!), are terrible at giving me phone messages. It is totally annoying to find out, sometimes days later, that someone called for me when I wasn’t home, especially if they asked for me to return the call. I tried telling the kids to avoid answering the phone at all if…
Similar, But Without The Milk and Pepsi
Well, the big day has finally arrived. In the tradition of duos like Hoda & Kathie Lee (not the real ones, the SNL version), Lucy & Ethel, Mary & Rhoda, Wilma & Betty, and possibly Laverne & Shirley*… Weaselmomma & I are livestreaming this morning at 10:00 Eastern (9:00 Central, and 7:00 Pacific, Tom!) Go to and join in the fun! (By the way, you can go there earlier; Kim is on air before that time!) Hope you see us then! (ha ha, get it? FUNNY.) *Um, yeah. I’m not seriously comparing our skillz to these famous comedic duos. We will be a little funny, but chances are it’ll…
An Open Letter To the CEO of US Cellular
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing today from the comfort of the front passenger seat of my car as my family is on the way home from a long weekend visiting family, because on long car trips there is little more to do than think. Let me get to the point, since I have to do this in less than 1000 characters. I am wondering if your company, which I love (for the record), is ever going to make phone software that supports uploading photos directly to Facebook & Twitpic. All of the other carriers have it: why not you? This brings annoyance to me on a daily basis,…
Happy 4th!
Just checking in to wish you all a safe and happy holiday! More bloggie goodness tomorrow!!
Uh Yeah, Still Not Gonna Do It.
Remember the crazy idea that somebody had to put a couple of glassed-in, walk-out ledges at the top of the Sears Tower? They really did it. The Ledge opened on Wednesday. Read about it here. Check out many shriek-inducing (for some of us) photos, here. Tell you what: I’ll meet you there…on the fifth of NEVER.