Now you can purchase (and wear!) a tiara created by a celebrity, to benefit the young adult program at the New York Library! The Royal Tiara Auction has been going on since January 1 and ends on the 31st, so you don’t have much time! The tiara above was created by Meg Cabot, the author of the Princess Diaries book series, and in fact this Tiara Auction celebrates the release of the 10th volume of the series, Forever Princess. (Reminder: all proceeds go to the New York Library.) Here’s another one, created by Dylan Lauren of Dylan’s Candy Bar NYC (a family favorite!): Other celebrities who participated are Marc Brown…
It’s Amazing…Again!
It’s almost time to warm up the grill and get those Aussie burgers ready…Amazing Race 14 starts on February 15!!! I can barely contain myself.
“Going Green” Is One Thing, But This Is Ridiculous.
I nearly forgot all about the fact that I wanted to post about this, and since I’m sitting here and it came to mind I thought I’d better just do it really quickly. First, I have to give my apologies to the gentlemen who read my blog: Nukedad, Tom, OhCaptain, Jim, and any others out there…gosh, I’m sorry about this. It won’t happen again anytime soon, I promise. You might just want to hop over to Momo’s or Mrs4444’s or *anybody else’s* place right now. Consider yourselves warned. I was flipping through my February issue of Redbook magazine a couple of days ago when I saw a little picture at…
Call Me Fickle…
Waaaay back in the year 2000 (I was still in my early thirties then. Ahhh, those were the days…), Julesie and I went to see a movie with a friend of mine. If I’m not mistaken (Julesie will, no doubt, correct this and any other details I may get wrong in this story…remember, I’m old now.), the movie was “Where the Heart Is”, featuring Natalie Portman and Ashley Judd. While at the theater, employees were handing out flyers advertising a free movie screening for the next evening. Advance reservations were required and even a reservation didn’t guarantee entry: it was first come, first served at the start time. The movie?…
99 Luftbalons Things
My parents are still here, and I’m crazy busy without alot of time for blogging (wah), so I’m pulling out this post that I’ve had in draft for about a week. I can’t remember who I grabbed it from, but I’m pretty certain it was Mags from Ms. Maggie Moo Talks 2 U. (If I’m wrong, will the real person I grabbed this from please step forward?) I know that my evil German twin posted her list…any of you who are in need of a post (NaBloPoMo is almost over, people…need rescue?) can grab away! Here is a list of 99 things. I have bolded the ones that apply to…
One Word? Are You Kidding Me?
I’ve been tagged by the lovely, “also-doesn’t-like-her-foods-touching-each-other” Michelle at Honest and Truly to do another crazy meme, so here goes! I’m going to try my best to not cheat, as Michelle totally did (by using more than one word answers!); but I can’t guarantee anything because I constantly feel the need to explain myself…keep your fingers crossed! The rules?Answer the following questions in one word and then pass it on to seven others. Where is your cell phone? Charger. Where is your significant other? Outside. Your hair color? Brown Your mother? Creative Your father? Funny Your favorite thing? Family Your dream last night? None Your dream/goal? Satisfaction The room you’re…
Creative Parenting 101: Taking Time Outs To The Next Level
I watch alot of the television show “Supernanny”. Actually, my entire family does. It’s good entertainment for us since: A. Our boys are waaay beyond the years/age of the children who are featured, and 2. We get a perverse sort of pleasure out of seeing how some of the parents on the show just don’t have a clue that they actually created the mess (I wrote *some*. I would even go as far to say *most*.) Jim and I were never really the “Time Out”/”Naughty Step” kind of parents. In fact, although we put them in “Time Out” on more than a few occasions (especially the younger one), there are…
Creative Parenting 101: The Tooth Fairy Makes Mistakes Too, You Know!
A couple of weeks ago, I read this Twitter tweet from Soapbox Mom: feeling awful b/c the tooth fairy forgot to visit my son… 09:59 PM August 22, 2008 from web The same thing happened to us a few years back, when the now-13-year-old lost a tooth, and to make matters worse, it was only his second one. We couldn’t believe that this could happen; I mean, what was the tooth fairy doing with her time, just sitting on her lazy butt watching television and then going straight to bed right after the news, forgetting that this boy had that little white tooth packaged up for her, underneath his pillow?…
Run, Don’t Walk!
Tiaras are half off at your local Claire’s Accessories! Thought you might want to know.
Sisterly Celebrity Sightings: Bill, Hill, and Will
I decided to start a new category within the virtual walls of my own Blogosphere that will encapsulate the celebrity sightings, meetings, and stalkings-from-afar that my sister and I have been lucky (or sneaky: you decide) enough to share*. Today I’m going to write about Bill and Hillary Clinton, but not in relation to the Democratic National Convention that is currently taking over the fine city of Denver. Lots of bloggers are doing that. Instead, I’m going to write about the Clinton Experience (Sounds like a ride at an amusement park, doesn’t it? Waiting for the snarky “Clinton ride” comments…) that Julie and I had in 2006. We were in…