• Food,  Fun in Chicago,  Something That Could Change Your Life,  Working On My Fitness

    Coca-Cola Balanced Living Workshop–A-ha Moments!

    I was compensated for my participation in Coca-Cola’s Balanced Living Workshop, but my thoughts and views are my own. So, I’m back. It probably won’t surprise you to learn that when I was telling people that I was going to a Balanced Living Workshop about health and wellness that was hosted by Coca-Cola, I got a lot of the following: “Huh?” “Coca-Cola? RIGHT.” “hahahahahaha!” The fact is, not only does Coca-Cola have so many brands–including lots of no- and low-calorie drinks–that I would rather link to them than list them here, but they also have some great initiatives that make it easier for people to enjoy healthier servings of their…