• Fun in Chicago

    Spa Suites + Holiday Happy Hour = Escape From Crazy

    Usually when I hear (or read) “spa services” in the same sentence or paragraph as “hotel”, my ears perk up. (Err, or my eyes…widen?) I used to work in the salon industry and I wrote business articles for trade magazines in that industry for years. That, combined with my being the daughter of a (now retired) hotel manager who was very interested in providing excellent experiences for his customers at every company he worked for over the years, means that I completely respect and admire what goes into providing high end service. Typically when there’s a spa at a hotel, I know it’s going to be top-notch. A while back…

  • Random Thoughts,  Something That Could Change Your Life


    Today I’m joining over 100 women in spreading the message of #ChoosingHappiness. In today’s post I share how I chose happiness in the midst of life’s messiness by answering a few questions from best-selling Publisher Linda Joy, whose new book Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness, featuring the soul-inspiring stories of 27 amazing women who share their intimate stories of transformation, is being released today. Choosing Happiness also includes Reflection Questions after each story which will empower you to integrate the vital lessons of each woman’s journey into your own life. For a limited time you can get over 40 transformational gifts with your copy of Choosing Happiness. Grab…

  • Childhood Memories,  Confessions

    What Goes Up Must Come Down. That’s What Scares Me.

    I have a confession to make. I am terrified of skiing. I have been afraid of it for as long as I remember. In fact, I vaguely remember being invited by my uncle and cousins (avid skiers) to go along with them when I was a youngster, and the thought of it paralyzed me so I stayed home. It’s a weird fear to have, I admit it. It doesn’t seem anything like “I’m afraid of spiders” (I’m not) or “I’m afraid of zombies” (Uh, yep!): those are commonly expressed fears. NORMAL fears. I’ve always been afraid of heights, and even though I conquer that fear for about an hour each…

  • Friends,  Fun in Chicago

    Test Drive A Cadillac AND Support The Avon Walk For Breast Cancer!

    I’m guessing that most of us know at least one other person who has been affected by breast cancer. I’m also guessing that each of us with someone special who has been affected by breast cancer has an interest in making sure that all of the research that’s being done in order to prevent, treat, and eradicate this disease can continue. What if I told you that there was an easy way for you to donate to the cause, while having some fun at the same time? The Avon Walk For Breast Cancer, a two-day, 39-mile fundraising walk which began in 2003 and raised $423 million dollars in its first…

  • Amazing People,  Something That Could Change Your Life

    It’s Donna Day! #conquerkidscancer #DonnaDay

    When it comes to the LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER show, the people are the heart of it–well, the people and their stories, of course–but for me it’s more than that. These people end up feeling like family members in some ways. Last year’s cast, like it or not, is stuck with me. (Most of them aren’t objecting.) Every single stinkin’ one of them is special to me in their own way and I would follow them to the moon and back. This year’s cast, freshly announced two weeks ago, is only starting to realize the same thing. I chuckle to myself a little bit each time Tracey and I have…

  • Review

    Which Would You Choose, Love Or Money?

    For me, choosing between love and money is easy: I would choose love. (Not that money isn’t totally awesome, but you know.) My friends at Manilla just released this Valentine’s Day-themed video in which they asked a bunch of New Yorkers various questions relating to love, money, and Valentine’s Day, and some of the answers were pretty entertaining–like the gentleman who said, “I’d LOVE someone with MONEY.” Watch this: The questions were pretty thought-provoking. One of them asked “What’s your favorite Valentine’s Day memory?” and I thought it was interesting that about half of the people didn’t have specific holiday memories and about half had very detailed memories. In my…

  • Review,  The Dailey Method,  Working On My Fitness

    Dailey Method Definitely Daily.

    It’s been a little more than six months since I started working out at The Dailey Method and figured that a January update would be a good idea. (By the way, if you want to read the other posts I’ve written about TDM, you can search “Dailey Method” where it says “Find it!” at the bottom of the sidebar on the far right.) I have been taking classes seven days per week for a while now (WOW, I KNOW!!!) and I can’t emphasize enough that The Dailey Method is not something one masters: it’s a practice. Some days I feel on top of the world and get through the class…

  • Review

    Get Some Pampering On Black Friday From Macy’s and Chevrolet!

    Many of you have big, big plans for Black Friday, trying to find some great holiday season deals. You might even be heading out to visit stores that open at midnight on Friday! If you’re anywhere near a Macy’s in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, or Boston, make sure you stop there first, and look for the hospitality stations which are co-sponsored by Macy’s and Chevrolet! “Chevrolet wants to acknowledge those who devote their time and energy to making the holiday season memorable for families and friends,” said Phil Caruso, national promotions manager for Chevrolet. “We’re excited to spend the holidays with an American icon like Macy’s.” 2013 Chevrolet Malibu…

  • Review

    Jesse Tyler Ferguson’s Bow Ties Can Now Be Your Bow Ties.

    Remember back in September, how I told you that J’s workplace (The Tie Bar) has partnered with Jesse Tyler Ferguson and his fiancee Justin Mikita, who founded an organization called Tie The Knot? I told you that Jesse was designing some bow ties and they would be sold through The Tie Bar, with all proceeds being donated to Tie The Knot in support of marriage equality. Heck, just read the post, which includes Jesse and Justin’s adorable promo video. ANYWAY, the launch party was in Los Angeles last night and it looks like it was quite the event. The founders of The Tie Bar (i.e. J’s bosses) were there, and…

  • My Friends Have Mad Skillz,  Review

    How To Have A Beach View If You Don’t Live At The Beach

    Back when I was a senior in high school, I was on the yearbook staff. I can’t remember how many of us there were (I’m guessing twelve to fifteen) but we bonded quickly and worked together really well. Most of us worked in the yearbook workroom: we were the writers, designers, and section editors of the book. The ones who didn’t work in the yearbook workroom on a daily basis? Those were the photographers. They were out and about, taking the pictures for the yearbook and developing them in their darkroom. Yes, DARKROOM. As you may have guessed, this was well before digital was the norm: in fact our entire…