If you know me well, you know that holidays really aren’t “our thing” in this house. Jim and I like holidays, sure, but we don’t decorate for any of them except for Hanukkah, and even so we do that one very minimally these days. We don’t make a big deal over the holidays regarding family gatherings; while we enjoy being with family on holidays if it happens to work out that way, we’ve always stressed that there is great enjoyment in appreciating any random day during the year when our family is all together. On those days there is the absence of perfection pressure and, frankly, we don’t need a…
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am doing my best to live in the moment today while Jim and I are enjoying a quiet Thanksgiving at home with the boys. Turkey’s in the oven and we’re hanging out in the family room watching TV together in comfy clothes. It’s heavenly. I hope wherever you are and whomever you’re with, you’re enjoying today too! Happy Thanksgiving!
How To Have The Perfect Thanksgiving*
Going along with my family’s method of sticking to “new old traditions“, we did Thanksgiving our way. Perhaps you might want to change it up sometime, too? Here’s how. 1. The very first thing you do is make reservations at your favorite Brazilian steakhouse, which is also known as a churrascaria. 2. Start talking excitedly about “Meatsgiving” and make comments about the stretchy pants you’ll need to wear after it’s all over. Also, debate whether it’s best to starve yourself during the hours leading up to dinner or if it’s best to continue normal eating practices, thus keeping your stomach in practice. 3. Spend Thanksgiving Day completely relaxed and smiling.…
Happy Thanksgiving 2014!
I had every intention of writing an actual post this evening, but after Meatsgiving we came back home and played “Outburst” for two hours and now, at 10:50 p.m. I’m dealing with my normal level of exhaustion plus the added bonus of an oncoming meat coma, so I’m just going to say that it was a really nice day and I’m thankful to have spent it with my family. I’m also thankful for you. Yes, you. More tomorrow. Meet me here? Ooh, I said “meet”. Sounds a lot like “meat”. Zzzzzzz…..
Happy Thanksgiving!
As it turns out, the problem I was having with getting the WiFi at my parents’ house last night was caused by where I was choosing to sit in the family room. I moved my laptop to the dining room this morning and–like magic!–I am connected. Shew, that was a close one! I got some work done this morning and now I’m all ready to make the deviled eggs and a salad for our Thanksgiving dinner. I’ll be watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade at the same time (tradition!), and generally enjoying the day with my family. I hope YOU have a great day too, no matter where you are…