While on our wonderful family vacation in Germany, we had three Jewish experiences (two were planned; one was not) which I thought deserved mention in their own post. We first visited the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, which is completely different from saying that we visited Dachau. When the four of us were leaving Kat and Holger’s house to make the visit there, they made sure to tell us that though the area is known for this horrible piece of the Holocaust, the town of Dachau is a lovely place and we should make sure to visit the Altstadt there, since we’d be in the area. (Check out the website…
Six Should Have Been Enough.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard of the California woman who recently gave birth to octuplets. At first, the news was something amazing (I guess medically, it’s still amazing), but then the story turned into an ethical debate. Things you might not know that have come out about this mother? 1. She is single.2. She is in her early 30s.3. She already had six children, between the ages of 2 and 7. 4. She allegedly filed for bankruptcy two years ago.5. She lives with her mother.6. According to her mother, she has been “obsessed” with having children since she was a teenager.7. All fourteen children were conceived…
“Going Green” Is One Thing, But This Is Ridiculous.
I nearly forgot all about the fact that I wanted to post about this, and since I’m sitting here and it came to mind I thought I’d better just do it really quickly. First, I have to give my apologies to the gentlemen who read my blog: Nukedad, Tom, OhCaptain, Jim, and any others out there…gosh, I’m sorry about this. It won’t happen again anytime soon, I promise. You might just want to hop over to Momo’s or Mrs4444’s or *anybody else’s* place right now. Consider yourselves warned. I was flipping through my February issue of Redbook magazine a couple of days ago when I saw a little picture at…