Whee! I have just selected my four Jockey Volumetric Bra winners with the help of random.org. First, let me mention that out of 35 comments, I didn’t count Jenn @ Mommy Needs Coffee (not local. boo.), Michelle (who is doing her own giveaway), TheNextMartha (who went to the Jockey Bra store with me and already got one), and Grandma W (not local). The winning numbers are: So when I count from the top of the comments (skipping the four people mentioned above), the winners are: Erica Natasha @ Houseful of Nicholes Brandie Amanda O. Congrats, ladies! I’ll be sending your email address to my Jockey rep and she’ll get in…
Here’s The Scoop On Jockey Volumetric Fit Bras
If you’re a woman (and you probably are, because my readers are about 98.2% female, a number I just made up but imagine is pretty darn close to reality), you know that finding a bra that fits like ahem, a glove is pure bliss. I mean, we have to wear these things day in and day out. Uncomfortable bras are for the birds. Not LITERALLY for the birds. You know what I mean. Also? 85% of women are wearing the wrong size bra right now. EIGHTY-FIVE PERCENT. Hmm. My guess as to why only fifteen percent of us are properly matched to our bra size is because nobody likes (or…