About a week ago, Deb Rox tagged me to do the “Five Random Things About Me” meme that’s making its way around the blogosphere. Sort of. Okay, I think she tagged everybody. ANYWAY… I’m putting my own spin on it by sticking to stuff from my childhood. I imagine these five things probably wouldn’t make very interesting posts separately and in fact now that I think about it, clustering them might not be very interesting either. Oh well, it’s NaBloPoMo Day 2 and I’m going for it. 1. One of my biggest, proudest accomplishments in third grade was the time I became a Lemon Twist Champion by doing one thousand…
50 Questions. Because I’m Exhausted.
I just flew home yesterday from a quick trip to Mexico (and boy, are my arms tired! Ba dum psshhhh!). The trip was a vacation for me and work for Jim; his company has a factory there so I was basically the tagger-alonger. It put a huge cramp into being able to say things like “We can stay up late because we’re on vacation!” “We can get dessert every night because we’re on vacation!” “We can do some afternoon drinking because we’re on vacation!” Because really, only I was on vacation. (Don’t feel bad for him; he still made the most of Mexico when he wasn’t working.) While I was…
The Writing Process Blog Tour!
My sweet friend (and LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER Boston co-producer) Cheryl of Busy Since Birth tagged me for the Writing Process Blog Tour and although I almost always hate being tagged—which is hilarious because my friend Kari from A Grace Full Life just tagged me for another meme just this morning and she’s probably going to read this and go, “GULP”—I’m going to do it anyway. I also have to point out that I absolutely adore that Cheryl sent me a Facebook message BEFORE she tagged me, to ask my permission first because she knows that some people always hate being tagged. (Did I mention how much I hate being…
This is Why I’m Hot.
Oh my goodness, how I have grown to despise memes. But here’s the thing, when a friend who you really, really love asks you–nay, begs you–to do it, well, I’m a sucker good friend. And the best part is, now she owes me big time I made her very happy by doing this. If you choose to go crazy and do this meme also, Ri has a Mr. Linky on her original post that you can use to expose yourself and your eclectic musical tastes to others. So I’m not asking you to do it, but lets just say that you could make Ri really really happy too, if you…
It’s Not ALWAYS About Me(me), But Sometimes? It Is.
I’m a sucker for a good meme, as long as I can change the rules if I want to in order to make things easier for me, quicker for me, and/or entertaining for me. Oh, and you. Sure. Entertaining for YOU, too. Weaselmomma tagged me almost two weeks ago for a photo meme, and last night the time was finally right for me to figure out how I could manipulate the system to create a spectacular post for this, the final day of November and not-so-coincidentally, the FINAL day of NaBloPoMo 2009. (Did you notice I’ve posted daily for 30 days? You better had noticed!) The meme “rules”? The person…
I Don’t Think This Is What Casper Had In Mind…
My buddy Liz over at This Full House “ghosted” me yesterday, all on account of the fact that she’s horrified that I Skyped her the other day we are totally BFFs. I had not heard of this “ghosting”. Well, consider me educated, and now I’m passing on the knowledge. Basically, it’s a little meme in which you get to spread some bloggie love while simultaneously posting a disgusting picture on your blog until Halloween, so everyone knows that you already have one disgusting picture, and that you do NOT need another. Need more information? The rules are easy: (1) It’s your turn to “ghost” three other bloggers — perhaps, somewhere…
- Do I Really Want My Readers To Know This?, Family Fun, My Sister Has Mad Skillz, Shameless Promotion
This Post Is Brought To You By The Letter R.
I was reading one of my favorite blogs when I discovered what *might* be a meme. I’m not sure, though. I actually volunteered for it and will not tag anyone at the end of this post either. Therefore, you yourselves can decide if it is a true meme. Basically, you get a random letter of the alphabet assigned to you, and you write about ten things that start with that letter, things that you just adore. After I finished reading the post over at Eternally Huckdoll (LOVE her.), I left a comment basically saying, “Yeah, gimme a letter!” Huckdoll gave me “R”. I was really excited, because I thought, “I…
I’ll Get Back To Incessantly Talking About Myself Tomorrow…THIS One’s About You.
**Just a reminder before we get started here, especially because I have tons of links in this one: I take the time to set up my hotlinks so that when you click them, they open in a different window. You will not be carried away from here; don’t worry! You’re not getting outta here that easy! I was just tagged by Weaselmomma to do this pretty cool (and different) meme. Although I have a love/hate relationship with memes, I really don’t mind being tagged for them and actually have a little bit of fun doing them (if I haven’t done them before), so I can say that the World of…
99 Luftbalons Things
My parents are still here, and I’m crazy busy without alot of time for blogging (wah), so I’m pulling out this post that I’ve had in draft for about a week. I can’t remember who I grabbed it from, but I’m pretty certain it was Mags from Ms. Maggie Moo Talks 2 U. (If I’m wrong, will the real person I grabbed this from please step forward?) I know that my evil German twin posted her list…any of you who are in need of a post (NaBloPoMo is almost over, people…need rescue?) can grab away! Here is a list of 99 things. I have bolded the ones that apply to…
One Word? Are You Kidding Me?
I’ve been tagged by the lovely, “also-doesn’t-like-her-foods-touching-each-other” Michelle at Honest and Truly to do another crazy meme, so here goes! I’m going to try my best to not cheat, as Michelle totally did (by using more than one word answers!); but I can’t guarantee anything because I constantly feel the need to explain myself…keep your fingers crossed! The rules?Answer the following questions in one word and then pass it on to seven others. Where is your cell phone? Charger. Where is your significant other? Outside. Your hair color? Brown Your mother? Creative Your father? Funny Your favorite thing? Family Your dream last night? None Your dream/goal? Satisfaction The room you’re…