I was tagged/awarded over the weekend by the ever-so-lovely Jennifer at It’s All About Them. I’m not sure if I should be honored by the tag or insulted because I have been given a Weird Award, but under the rules of my New and Improved, Almost-40-Years-Old Attitude, I am going to smile and say, “Thank you Jennifer, Thank you very much! You’re so sweet!” And it is a really pretty color purple, too. Okay, it’s adorable. Basically what I have to do now is list (Surprised? Is there a meme that doesn’t involve some sort of list??) seven Weird Things about myself and then tag/award seven others. So, without further…
I’ve Been Tagged! (Part 2,369)
The lovely Sue of As Cape Cod Turns tagged me for this sometime last week and I tried to pretend like I forgot am just getting to it today. At first glance and considering my name, I was thinking this one would be tough, but let’s see, shall we? First, the instructions: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things. Nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl. What is your name: Melisa4 letter word: Meme (HA!…
Does This Mean I’m A Big Girl Now?
Huckdoll* did a super-dee-duper meme (in fact, I do believe she made it up) a couple of weeks ago. She posted about her childhood thoughts about what she wanted to be when she grew up, and what she actually has been, job-wise. Read it here. I decided that might be an interesting trip down memory lane for me, so here goes. What I have been… Babysitter: Started at age 11 for, I believe, $1.00 an hour. (That was competitive in 1979) I even took an official Babysitting Class and got a card to show to any prospective nervous parents. From age 11 to age 16, I went from newbie to…
7 Random Things About Moi
Since I have the time, I thought I’d take care of this little tag I got from Stacey. I have to list 7 random things about me. I’ll try to make it slightly entertaining. 1. When I was in 4th grade, I had my first crush on a boy, Jay. Jay actually lived in the same cul-de-sac as my very good friend Suzanne. One day, I was talking on the phone with Suzanne and she was asking me all of these questions about Jay (she knew I liked him, alot) and got me to say something ridiculous about how I was in love with him, and then she said, “Guess…
Giving You a Peek Inside Corporate Operations
Okay, here’s meme #2 for today! I was tagged by my internet sister Melissa to show you all what’s in my purse. First, my purse. It’s a Brighton knockoff and I love it, mostly because it’s my favorite color. Now for what’s inside: Let’s see, what do I have here? I’ll go in a clockwise fashion, sort of. On the far left you can see my business card holder with my Remembering Ruby business cards. Above that you can see my matching red Brighton knockoff wallet. Then there’s my paycheck for my most recent Nailpro magazine article, along with a $15 coupon for service on my Pontiac G6, a Fiber…
The Meme of Usus
It’s going to be a Meme kind of day…I have a tag from Melissa that I will get to (hopefully) tonight. For now, I’m tackling the tag I got from my evil twin Kat. It’s a Meme about my better half and I…I’ll try to make it interesting for you. How long have you been together? Well, if you count the time that he didn’t KNOW we were together (when I stalked him around the halls of our high school before we met: LOL), we’ve been together since around September of 1984. Officially though, we’ve been together since November-December 1984; married since December 1986 How long did you date? Let…
Melissa Tagged Melisa!
I was tagged by my cyber-sister (Melissa at Hope for the Hopeless) to do this middle name meme. We actually have the same middle name! Imagine that! (Seriously, I am thinking that people with the name “Melissa/Melisa Lynn” must be a dime a dozen…this is definitely not the first time I’ve found another one!) Here are the rules. You must post the rules before you give your answers. You must list one fact about yourself for each letter of your middle name. Each fact must begin with that letter. If you don’t have a middle name, just use your maiden name. After you’ve been tagged, you need to up-date your…
Tagged! part Zwei (that’s “two” to you English speakers)
Okay, so as I was saying earlier, I got tagged by my evil German twin sister Kat to do this book meme. Here are the Rules: 1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages). 2. Open the book to page 123. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the next three sentences. 5. Tag five people & post a comment here once you post it to your blog, so I can come see. I probably had a book or two that was closer to me, but the book I am currently reading is Women’s Strength Training Anatomy by Frederic Delavier. OY, this is my nightmare book. I…
I was tagged twice over the weekend! Kat tagged me for the book meme which I hope to do later this afternoon, because the book I’m reading is upstairs and I’m too lazy to go and get it. Plus, I have to leave for work in about 20 minutes and…well, I’m wasting time by explaining. The other tag I got was from my New Friend Siobhan (she’s Scottish, you know! LOL). Here are the instructions and my answers: A) Each player answers the questions about themselves. B) At the end of the post, the player then tags 2 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves…
Scrolling Saturdays: Crazed
*Note: Feel free to grab this little “Scrolling Saturdays” .jpg that I made! CrazedOriginally Posted: November 2, 2006 That’s how many of my family and friends would describe me (only in the most loving way, of course!). I am constantly on the run; even when I was a 100% of the time stay-at-home mom, I never stayed at home. Not because I didn’t want to be at home, of course, but things had to get done somehow! When the boys were younger, I knew it was the right thing to do, to ask them if they wanted to try a sport like soccer or baseball. (Although my younger sister played…