I am a member of the Netflix Stream Team and will be happily sharing monthly tips and stories about how my family uses Netflix on a regular basis. (Okay, that’s an understatement. I should say CONSTANTLY. We use Netflix CONSTANTLY.) As a member of the Stream Team I was provided with a Roku and a voucher to apply towards my Netflix account. Whether you’re a parent or not, you’ve probably seen a kid toss a new toy aside in favor of the box. “There he goes, playing with the box again…I could’ve saved twenty bucks just by finding an old box for him!” Or something like that. That was an…
#NetflixKids And I Are Taking It Easy This Month.
I am a member of the Netflix Stream Team and will be happily sharing monthly tips and stories about how my family uses Netflix on a regular basis. (Okay, that’s an understatement. I should say CONSTANTLY. We use Netflix CONSTANTLY.) As a member of the Stream Team I was provided with a Roku and a voucher to apply towards my Netflix account. I had to laugh a little bit when I received my Netflix Stream Team bulletin this month. This month Netflix is putting the focus on how moms can (and should) recharge, because parenting is a 24/7 gig. Of course, the monthly topic wasn’t the funny part. It’s an…
#NetflixKids Celebrates Musicals
I am a member of the Netflix Stream Team and will be happily sharing monthly tips and stories about how my family uses Netflix on a regular basis. (Okay, that’s an understatement. I should say CONSTANTLY. We use Netflix CONSTANTLY.) As a member of the Stream Team I was provided with a Roku and a voucher to apply towards my Netflix account. To merely say I am a fan of musicals would be a massive understatement. I have a framed picture in my kitchen that demonstrates just how hardcore I am. I think the first musical I ever saw was a production of “Bubbling Brown Sugar” in Chicago. As a…
This Month, #NetflixKids Celebrates The Totally Tubular!
I am a member of the Netflix Stream Team and will be happily sharing monthly tips and stories about how my family uses Netflix on a regular basis. (Okay, that’s an understatement. I should say CONSTANTLY. We use Netflix CONSTANTLY.) As a member of the Stream Team I was provided with a Roku and a voucher to apply towards my Netflix account. This month’s theme on the Netflix blog is “Totally Tubular #TBT”, and I am ALL OVER IT. I wouldn’t say I live in the past, but I really enjoy looking back whenever possible, especially to my teen years which were very happy ones for me indeed. (I’m one…
Confirmed: Watching “MythBusters” On Netflix Streaming Can Make You Be All Scientific.
I am a member of the Netflix Stream Team and will be happily sharing monthly tips and stories about how my family uses Netflix on a regular basis. (Okay, that’s an understatement. I should say CONSTANTLY. We use Netflix CONSTANTLY.) As a member of the Stream Team I was provided with a Roku and a voucher to apply towards my Netflix account. March’s Netflix Theme for families is “Science Fair Greats”, and although my family is way beyond needing to go to the store at 10:00 p.m. because somebody forgot to let us know that they needed styrofoam balls and paint and posterboard and all of that other stuff, one…
There’s No “I” In Team Or Stream Team. (But There IS An “I” In Netflix.)
I am a new member of the Netflix Stream Team and will be happily sharing monthly tips and stories about how my family uses Netflix on a regular basis. (Okay, that’s an understatement. I should say CONSTANTLY. We use Netflix CONSTANTLY.) As a member of the Stream Team I was provided with a Roku and a voucher to apply towards my Netflix account. We got rid of our satellite over the summer. There was great relief that came from not having those bills anymore, but at the same time it was pretty painful—and still is sometimes, especially when I can’t watch things like my beloved “Today Show”. Or awards shows.…