Did you know I’ve got a contest going on right now, to win a little prize package from NYC? Click HERE for more info! The NYC trip my family just returned from was a long time in the making. It was our first real family vacation in several (six?) years. I don’t count our four days in Chicago in December of 2007 or our two nights at Key Lime Cove in March of 2008 as “real vacations”; although we had a great time, they were “Stay-cations” because we didn’t get out of our home area. All four of us *have* been on trips in the last few years; just not…
This Is Not Just Any Old Blog Contest…
…it’s one in which, if you want a chance to win, you’re going to have to “suffer through” my vacation photos! (But not all 500 of them. No worries.) I’m back from NYC (yay!) and ready to do some show-and-telling, and I’m using a great incentive to bribe entice you to read the Scrawl daily during my vacation review! First, my snazzy graphic. Ta-dah! Basically, here’s how it goes. I have about ten posts on the way about my trip to New York. I have so much that I want to share with you (as I mentioned a few days ago, those of you who remember my ONE DAY in…
Saying Hello and Goodbye, All On The Same Day.
Back in 1985, I was at the McGhee-Tyson Airport in Knoxville, Tennessee with Jim, his parents, and his sister. We were saying goodbye to Jim as he was leaving for Boot Camp in the U.S. Navy. Saying goodbye to my boyfriend (That would be Jim. Are you paying attention?) was really hard, and the wait for his call to board the plane seemed long and drawn out, prolonging our agony. A distraction from the dread would have been nice. We got one. Sitting in another part of the waiting area, getting ready to board a plane themselves, were Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley of Kiss. OMG. I knew who they…
Who Can Take A Sunrise, Sprinkle It In Dew…
A little less like Jews headed to Jerusalem and a little more like Elvis fans heading to Graceland, my family is making a long-awaited pilgrimage on this NYC trip. To a candy store. This is not just any candy store; it’s a mecca of sweetness…and even saying that is a total understatement. This candy store has a very special meaning to our family and my kids have been absolutely dying to visit. Well, one of them has. *wink* I went with Julesie a few years ago and there are just so many cool things about this place. The color. The variety. The candy. The clothing. There are even containers of…
I’m Probably At Papaya King As You Read This…
Wish you were here! I’ll be tweeting on occasion while I’m gone; follow me on Twitter HERE. If you’re an active Tweeter (and you know who you are), send me a direct message now and then to stroke my ego and let me know you miss me. (Not that you’ll actually be missing me, because I’ve got new posts scheduled for the next couple of days…but humor me, would you?) The direct messages go right to my phone; I won’t be checking the actual Twitter page at all while I’m gone. Anyone want anything from Manhattan? I’ll be back “live” in a few days!MWAH!
Guess Who’s Going On Vacation?
Yes, that little cherub is going on vacation, but not with us. She’ll be spending her time at the Petsmart Petshotel, which is her absolute favorite place in the world…other than at home, next to Jim. She’ll play daily in Doggie Day Camp with all of her doggie friends. She might even send a postcard to Buddy and Penny, the NukeBeagles. I have sufficiently overplanned as I always do for a trip. In fact, this is how over-the-top I went this time: ~~~I took a little blank journal and wrote down every place in NYC that we would like to visit if at all possible, along with the address, phone…