Twitter recently introduced a new feature, creatively called “Lists”. You would think that, having a name like that, it would be self-explanatory. It’s not, completely. The idea behind it, I guess, is to compartmentalize groups of your followers so if you want to, say, only follow the people who wear glasses, you can now do that. When the feature was made public, panic ensued. People (including me) remarked how this feature has great potential to be yet another instigator of online drama in some cases. Whatever. And then people started having a little bit of fun with it. Rather than naming their lists in inflammatory ways like: ~My very fave…
Do-It-Yourself Anesthesia In 2 1/2 Hours or Less
My adventures with Weaselmomma are always good times. In fact, I was going to link to our past outings as I usually do, but we’re building up a large collection of those–and frankly, I’m feeling lazy about it–so I just created a LABEL called “Weaselmomma” (you’re welcome, WM!). If you want to read about our times of mayhem and madness, click on the label when you finish this post and you’ll be whisked away to some of our past get-togethers. Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes, we always have fun. Always. So what I’m about to describe to you should not give you the impression that it wasn’t loads…
Similar, But Without The Milk and Pepsi
Well, the big day has finally arrived. In the tradition of duos like Hoda & Kathie Lee (not the real ones, the SNL version), Lucy & Ethel, Mary & Rhoda, Wilma & Betty, and possibly Laverne & Shirley*… Weaselmomma & I are livestreaming this morning at 10:00 Eastern (9:00 Central, and 7:00 Pacific, Tom!) Go to and join in the fun! (By the way, you can go there earlier; Kim is on air before that time!) Hope you see us then! (ha ha, get it? FUNNY.) *Um, yeah. I’m not seriously comparing our skillz to these famous comedic duos. We will be a little funny, but chances are it’ll…
- Amazing People, Best Thing Ever, Friends, Fun in Chicago, Something That Could Change Your Life, We Are An Awesome Couple
We Have Potential! (For What? Too Soon To Tell.)
Alright, alright, calm yourselves down. It’s finally happening, what absolutely nobody ever wanted you’ve all been clamoring for. That’s right, Weaselmomma and I are going to be live streaming a “talk show” (I put it in quotes because I am just not sure that we can call it that yet) this Friday. Weather Kim is being nice enough to hand over the keys to us for a little while, starting at 10:15 a.m. Eastern/9:15 a.m. Central. To watch (and participate in) “Suburban WoW”, go to and be awed by the mess we’ll definitely make watch the awesomeness. Here’s a preview: