Recently I saw a meme floating around Facebook that said something along the lines of “I’m so old, I remember days when I didn’t take one picture”. I laughed, because I am that old, and then I stopped laughing and thought, “Huh, wow.” That meme was a think piece. There really was a time when we didn’t take pictures of everything, every day. When we weren’t all that concerned with remembering each moment. When only professional photographers knew anything about filters. When we–ack!–didn’t even have cell phones. Developing photos taken with traditional cameras, the ones that don’t allow you to talk or text with others or surf the web, is…
Guilty Pleasure #52
With the exception of when I am running in a hundred different directions and have little time to shop for food, I love the grocery store. I’m not sure when it started, though I know it wasn’t when I was a kid. More often than not I would choose to sit in the car while my mom went in to get what she needed. (Keep in mind that in the 1970’s this was very normal.) Anyway, at some point when I became an adult I really started to enjoy the grocery store (except for that one time that lady touched my meat and I bubbled over to the degree that…
Something Old, Something New
My Dad is a very interesting fellow, one-of-a-kind, for sure. He’s hilarious most of the time, he is very smart with more common sense than most, and he makes the best prime rib you would EVER taste, as evidenced by the fact that he made that for us for dinner on Friday night and I still can’t get it out of my head. He’s not without faults, though. His intense dislike for anything Will Ferrell has ever done–especially “Elf”–is something he talks about enough to make me wonder if he really likes “Elf” deep down but has talked so much trash about it that he would never admit it. (Not.)…