I’m guest-posting for Weaselmomma today, so please head on over there. Click here. You won’t be sorry. Also, you can read about the event that we attended (mentioned in that guest post) by clicking here. Please continue to keep Piper in your thoughts. Thanks! ©2010 Suburban Scrawl
It’s Not What You Know; It’s Who You Know!
We recently had some problems with our stove. Basically it became more and more inconsistent when it came to…working. The problem? When we pressed the “preheat” button, the desired temperature lit up on the electronic display, but only for a moment. It then turned off, before the sensor “caught” and we heard the whoosh of the gas coming on, to begin the preheat. Eventually it would work, but only after we repeated the process ten or twelve–or twenty–times. After we discussed the fact that the stove was getting so unreliable, it would probably stop working altogether at the least convenient time ever, like when we were entertaining* or when we…
Bahamian Interlude
Here’s a phone conversation* I had with Weaselmomma yesterday evening. Enjoy! Weaselmomma (WM): I’ve just gotta get outta here. This winter is driving me crazy. Really, no joke: I’m getting ready to lose it over here! Me (Me): Uh-huh. WM: The Mom 2.0 Summit is in Houston and I am dying to get there. Actually, I could care less about the conference itself, really: I just need to get somewhere WARM! It’s too flippin’ cold! I NEED SUN. Me: Uh-huh. WM: The problem is, even if I could get the cash together to go there, Mr. Weasel, the love of my life, the father of my children, the peanut butter…
The Queen of Talk
December 11, 2029 I recently found a newspaper article about an old friend of twenty years ago who I haven’t been in touch with for years. I’m sure you’ve heard of her; her name is Weaselmomma. We had some good times back then, wearing tiaras to the grocery store, eating cookie dough, enjoying countless wings at BWW, and sharing stories about our kids. We even did a little livestream show together. Livestream. On the COMPUTER. Remember that? So antiquated from what we do today, with the brain-injecting, virtual reality-style entertainment that is so hot right now. Sometimes I laugh when I think about how we used to actually have to…
The Day Greta Van Susteren (Probably) Became Weaselmomma’s BFF
My partner-in-crime, Weaselmomma, had a Skype chat last night with Greta Van Susteren from “On the Record” on Fox News. How did this happen? I’m sure she’ll probably post about that, but if I didn’t know the story and had to guess, I’d guess that Weaselmomma sent Greta a few fan letters, some baked goods, and quite possibly a case of Coors Light, asking if she wanted to come to the Weasel house for dinner the next time “On the Record” does a Chicago show. I’d guess that Greta was charmed by Weaselmomma’s nouveau-Midwestern hospitality yet a little scared by her South Philly heritage, and she got on the horn…
It’s All About You!
The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago has a brand-new permanent exhibit which opened on Thursday, called “You! The Experience”. I was extremely lucky (and honored) to snag an invitation to the Media Open House on Wednesday. I wanted to bring someone along, and I called one of my favorite sidekicks, Weaselmomma. Being escorted into the museum through the employee entrance and then led directly to the exhibit, which was already crawling with kids from a few schools brought in for the preview, was really exciting. We got a brief summary and tour of the place and then were let loose to enjoy it. There were so many highlights;…
Do-It-Yourself Anesthesia In 2 1/2 Hours or Less
My adventures with Weaselmomma are always good times. In fact, I was going to link to our past outings as I usually do, but we’re building up a large collection of those–and frankly, I’m feeling lazy about it–so I just created a LABEL called “Weaselmomma” (you’re welcome, WM!). If you want to read about our times of mayhem and madness, click on the label when you finish this post and you’ll be whisked away to some of our past get-togethers. Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes, we always have fun. Always. So what I’m about to describe to you should not give you the impression that it wasn’t loads…
- Amazing People, Best Thing Ever, Friends, Fun in Chicago, Something That Could Change Your Life, We Are An Awesome Couple
We Have Potential! (For What? Too Soon To Tell.)
Alright, alright, calm yourselves down. It’s finally happening, what absolutely nobody ever wanted you’ve all been clamoring for. That’s right, Weaselmomma and I are going to be live streaming a “talk show” (I put it in quotes because I am just not sure that we can call it that yet) this Friday. Weather Kim is being nice enough to hand over the keys to us for a little while, starting at 10:15 a.m. Eastern/9:15 a.m. Central. To watch (and participate in) “Suburban WoW”, go to http://www.livestream.com/weatherkim and be awed by the mess we’ll definitely make watch the awesomeness. Here’s a preview:
- Amazing People, Best Thing Ever, Blessings, Food, Friends, Something That Could Change Your Life, Spreading the Bloggie Love, Too Funny To Ignore, Travels
Meat Maidens Gone Wild!!!
Yesterday was, as expected, a blast. But it was about 10,000 times better than I could have ever imagined. A mere blog post won’t even capture it properly; you truly had to be there. Momo did her own summary. The pictures would have spoken for themselves had it not been for the adorable RHYMING VERSE she used. She’s good. Really good. But I’ll try to give you a taste of it. First, the road trip to the Land of Momo. My van-mates? The lovely Weaselmomma: and the equally lovely Surprised Mom: Honestly, if you happen to be riding across the midwest (or where ever) in the middle seat of a…
Ohhhh…I Thought I Was Posting in the SUBurban Dictionary.
Not to beat a dead horse, but wasn’t it exciting yesterday when Tom, Momo, and Weaselmomma and I totally blunked Nukedad AND I got the word “blunked” into the Urban Dictionary? Totally a banner day. Except for one of the 5,000 phone conversations I had with Weaselmomma, when she started laughing uncontrollably. (That’s actually not unusual for her: she laughs A LOT. Surprised? I didn’t think so.) I said, “What’s so funny?” She said, “Well, you know…the Urban Dictionary is full of street language and such, and here’s a middle-aged Jewish woman getting a word in there.” I said, “I AM NOT middle-aged!!!!!” (Jewish? yes.) And then I thought for…